Welcome To Our Families
It's Nice To Meet You

We hope we can give you a helping hand to find your Scottish ancestors' genealogy and family history.

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Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!
And there's a hand, my trusty fere!
And gie's a hand o' thine!
And we'll tak a right gude-willie waught,
For auld lang syne.

Which in this case means we hope we can give you a helping hand to trace your ancestors.

The website contains one family tree “WILLIAMSONs of KENNOWAY”, a one name study database of the surname “McBROOM” that contains a number of family trees – one large, many small trees and many individual families and even individual persons not yet connected. The third database “WAIFS and STRAYS” is a large number of family trees, some large, some small and the aim is that visitors may find members of their tree and ancestors and cousins they did not know existed.

The website and content is very much a work-in-progress that will grow over time. Persons still alive are shown as “living” to protect their identity. If you do find a connection and would like to view the “living” information, please email me via the “CONTACT US” section to gain permission to view the database including “living” persons.


Much of the content contained within the pages has not been verified and it is up to the reader to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy.
The information and products included on these pages may include inaccuracies.
Changes are periodically made and reviewed.
All content provided is "AS IS", and without any warranty of any kind.
This database is neither a collection of personal information nor an online display of living individuals.
If you were born after 1920, your name will not be on this site.
Always verify your research with original records.
I have done my utmost to adhere to the Genealogy Standards and Guidelines.

Navigation instructions.

By clicking on the link to the tree that you wish to explore, the database will open in a new window that allows you to navigate within that particular tree, where you can view Charts, Reports, do Searches, keep up to date with the latest news and leave comments.
Sources are shown where possible and are rated as to accuracy on a scale of 0 to 4
0 = Unreliable evidence
1 = Questionable evidence (interviews, oral, or potential for bias, for example, an autobiography)
2 = Secondary evidence (data recorded on genealogy websites e.g. Family Search)
3 = Primary evidence (used, or by dominance of the evidence)
4 = Primary evidence (backed up by official documentation e.g. Birth certificate)

Initially there will only be media (photos mainly) posted on the WILLIAMSONs of KENNOWAY tree, these will be uploaded over a period of time, and I will post the progress in the News Section, however for those interested in any particular area I can send you, by email copies of any relevant media that I possess (lots!).


Click on one of these image to see details about the relevant tree. Note: The McBroom tree is now contained within the Waifs and Strays tree.


Go to the tree


Go to the tree


Go to the tree

The Researcher

Les Williamson

  • A life in Print

    I am a printer by trade and operated my own, modestly successful, printing business for almost forty years. The business was sold around 2005 and I now run a small business with my son printing and publishing school yearbooks.

  • The Spirit of Burns

    Digital technology has hit the printing industry hard, despite it being one of the first to harness the benefits and I am now commencing a completely new venture marketing Scotch whisky and accessories. As a lover of the works of Robert Burns, Scotland’s national bard the products are all related to his memory. The whisky is called “Auld Lang Syne” in honour of that world famous poem.

  • Research

    Around the beginning of this century I developed an interest in family history research, particularly related to the ancestors bearing my surname Williamson who originated from Kennoway, in Fife. This led to a number of projects, all genealogy related and discovering many cousins that I would otherwise never have met, or come into contact with. This in turn enabled me to collaborate with them in growing our family trees, particularly with some cousins in the Mercer Millions project. I have made, and met many friends/cousins from the United States who have been of invaluable assistance with my McBroom research. My treasure trove of family history related information is substantial, some of which is presented in this website.

Contact Me

If you have any questions or comments about this website or the family trees, you can contact me by email by completing this form.